Rummage Regatta Information.

  • The Rummage regatta will challenge teams to build a craft, present the craft, and navigate through a basic obstacle course. The course will be approximately 100 yards long, will include launching and beaching the craft. The course is complete one the craft is back on land.

    A performance from the team is encouraged to show off the craft and to play into any theme the team has chosen. The team may request specific music to be played during their presentation. The performance may last for up to 15 seconds, and the team will launch the craft immediately after.

  • Craft must be under 8 feet in length and 6 feet in width. Craft will need to maneuver left and right. If there is any electronics used, they must be watertight.

    No structural parts of boats or ships can be used in the construction of the craft. For example, one cannot use a boat as the foundation of a craft. The goal is to challenge teams to make a craft that can complete the course.

    Designs for craft must be family friendly. Teams must submit design drawing to the event leads at for approval. There will be an inspection of the craft prior.

    When piloting the craft the team must be sober, and wear proper floatation devices. Floatation devices may be put on after performance.

    Performance must be family friendly. No nudity, profane gestures, or sexual acts will be allowed during performance.

    There may be up to 4 people per team.

  • Performance- 50

    Five judges will score the teams performance on a scale of 1-10. Things taken into consideration are the performance itself, craft and team themes, and crowd reaction.

    Course time- 100

    Top team will receive 100 points.

    Second team will receive 90 points.

    Third team will receive 80 points.

    Top 25% will receive 65 points

    Top 50% will receive 50 points

    Top 75% will receive 35 points

    Last 25% will receive 20 points.

    Prizes will be given to Top Team, Top Performers, and Fastest Time.

    Actual Prizes TBD.

  • Prices will be $50 per team to enter your craft.

    We are looking for a charity to donate to for the event. Full transparency will be provided every step of the way as we continue to plan for the event.