Upcoming events.

Our Very First Rummage Regatta

Our Very First Rummage Regatta

Build your craft, grab a costume, prepare a dance, and take that homemade boat out on the water at Pier15 for our very first Rummage Regatta! What is the Rummage Regatta? It's simply a competition that emphasizes creativity and fun by having teams build their own watercraft and maneuver it through a course. The final score will be determined by three factors.

1. Theme and presentation.
-Boat teams can pick a theme and present their craft in a 15 second dance or skit. The theme and presentation will be graded by five judges, on a scale of 1-10.

2. Can the craft complete the course.
- The craft will have to demonstrate slight maneuverability by navigating an approximately 100-yard course.

3. Time
- Points will be given based of off the time it takes to complete the course.

So, start brainstorming the designs for your craft. Once the rules and regulations are posted you can draw up those designs and submit them for approval and once approved, create your craft. We look forward to seeing all the wonderful designs and to announce more exciting info regarding this event, like admission, prizes, and the regatta schedule. Follow this event to keep up to date on the race information..

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2025 Mardi Gras Ball

2025 Mardi Gras Ball

Have a night out in town with Les Pierrots 77th Mardi Gras Ball! Join us Saturday February 22, 2025, to celebrate our 77th year as the most entertaining Krewe on the coast. You won't need luck to have a good time at this casino themed party, but feel free to roll the dice on joining us for a night that will surely be unforgettable.

Doors open at 07:00 PM, and you can grab a few drinks during cocktail hour. At 08:00 PM, sit back and enjoy the show for Les Pierrots Tableau. After the ceremonies, get ready to throw down to some live music.

Dress code will be Tuxedos for Gentleman and Ball Gowns for the Ladies. Military can wear Dress Uniform. Members and Ladies get in for free, Non-members (Men) admission is $50 at door.

We're excited to celebrate our 77th year and to put on the show of the season for our guests. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

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